New Round of Working Washington Grants

The chamber is once again sharing information on on a new round of Working WA grants. This information is from a press release from the WA State Dept of Commerce. Round 4 of the Working WA Grants will open through the Washington State Department of Commerce on March 29. Business owners can find information about…

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The Chamber received a letter about Fife FBLA from Laura Ramos, teacher at Fife High School. We wanted to share it with our members. Congratulations to these local Future Business Leaders! The Fife High FBLA Community Service Project (CSP) Team (Trojan Heart) started off the 2020 school year with a project that really set out to…

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Expansion of Employee Retention Tax Credit

A recent expansion of the employee retention tax credit means a significant number of small businesses will now qualify. Beginning on January 1, 2021 the credit expires on January 1, 2022. Previously, the credit was for 50% on $10,000 in qualified wages for the entire year, with a maximum of $5,000 per employee. The new credit jumps to 70% on…

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In Person Learning

The Governor has announced that all students, K-12 must begin receiving at least some in person learning. The deadline for schools implementing a hybrid model depends on the age of the student. The model must include both on campus and remote learning options. All elementary schools (kindergarten thru 5th or 6th grade, depending on the…

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Employee Training

With all that’s happened and changed over the last year, you may find a need for employee training. Perhaps your business has pivoted, or you have new staff. However, training costs money that many businesses find short these days. Good news. Our member, Invista Performance Solutions has opportunities that include customized training funded by grants.…

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Vaccines for Phase 1B, Tier 2

Starting Wednesday, March 17, eligibility extends for vaccines for Phase 1B, Tier 2. The eligibility pool included teachers earlier this month. This update includes workers in agriculture, food processing, grocery stores, public transit, firefighters and law enforcement, and others. People 16 and older who are pregnant or have a disability that puts them at high-risk…

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Phase 3 of Recovery Plan

Today, Governor Inslee announced Phase 3 of the Recovery Plan for Washington. The Roadmap to Recovery will return to a county by county, rather than staying with a regional approach. The community and businesses are excited to finally have a plan on moving into Phase 3. However, the governor didn’t yet commit to what all…

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Stop State Bill 5096

The FME Chamber encourages you to use your voice to stop State Bill 5096. The state Legislature is considering this bill that introduces a capital gains tax to Washington for the first time. This is the wrong time to introduce any new taxes in Washington. This tax, especially, essentially amounts to a state income tax,…

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Educators Eligible for Vaccine

With President Biden’s announcement on Tuesday, educators are now eligible for the Covid vaccine. He announced a directive for availability for the vaccine for every pre-K educator, K-12 teacher, and childcare worker in March. Since schools are reopening across our community, this is welcome news to teachers. The state’s Department of Health states that educators…

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Phase 3?

When will businesses be able to move to phase 3 in the Roadmap to Recovery? While the governor has announced positive news that there is a pause on moving any county in WA back to phase 1, many wonder, “What’s next?” All counties are in Phase 2. But businesses, especially those like restaurants, wonder when…

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House Bill 1368 – Signed!

Last week we let you know about House Bill 1368 and now it is signed! Today’s press release from the governor outlines an overall picture of the funds in the bill. The bill provides:  $714 million in assistance for K-12 schools $618 million for public health’s response to COVID, including testing, investigation and contact tracing;…

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Pursuit of Happiness

Virtual Lunch & Learn The Fife Milton Edgewood Chamber of Commerce and the Puyallup/Sumner Chamber of Commerce are teaming up to present a special Virtual Lunch & Learn: PURSUIT OF HAPPINESSScientific studies in positive psychology and the science of happiness are on the rise, pointing to specific ways of thinking and acting that can impact…

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Business Support thru Pierce Transit

Do you know about the support that Pierce Transit can give your business? They provides clean, safe and reliable local bus service, and also can help businesses support their employees with commute solutions. If you currently have team members working on site, making sure they can get to work on time is critical. Right now,…

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1st Dose Covid Vaccine

If you intend to get your 1st dose of Covid vaccine this week, you may need to rethink that plan. Two reasons make the availability of the first dose scarce this week. Firstly, in early January, some providers used used doses that were supposed to complete the two dose vaccine series for first doses. As…

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Moving to Phase 2

Moving to Phase 2 generally happens on Mondays. That would mean that as of February 15, most of the state will be moving to phase 2. However, this week, the change happens on Sunday instead, as many restaurants do a large percentage of their business as customers celebrate Valentine’s Day. Moving the phase reopening by…

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House Bill 1368

Washington State Legislature’s House Bill 1368 proposes offering more needed relief for our small businesses. Of the included $2.2 billion in federal dollars to be distributed by the state, $240 million is expected to go to Washington employers. An individual business could receive up to $75,000. Other money would go to food banks, schools and…

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