New Dashboard

A new dashboard has been released and with it, we are finally getting some better news. As of Monday, our community gets to move into Phase 2. The chamber let you know about the roadmap to recovery at the beginning of the month. Changes included moving from a county based plan to a regional plan.…

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Unemployment Taxes

Do you worry about unemployment taxes, especially after the roller coaster ride in 2020? As members of the Grassroots Alliance, the Chamber brings you opportunities to participate in their efforts. In November, the alliance advocated for local businesses. This week, we were sent the following invitation to us. We are extending it to you… We…

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Covid Vaccines

If you aren’t a health care worker, then you may be wondering when Covid vaccines will be available to you. Governor Inslee announced that our state has moved to into a new phase for distribution. You can now get the vaccine if you are over 65. Likewise, if you are over 50 but live in…

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Free PPP Webinars

The Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is providing both live virtual webinars and recordings of free PPP webinars. Funding is provided by funded by SBA and Washington State University. Live webinars will be held biweekly, as needed and recordings can be accessed at the WSBDC website. The next live virtual webinar will be on…

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App for Determining Eligibility for Covid Vaccine

The Tacoma Pierce County Health Department announced an app for the Covid vaccine. When released, users will use it to determine their eligibility for vaccinations. The Health Department expects to release the app, called Phase Finder, later this month. App helps with understanding priority for vaccine Phase 1: Many health care workers and those living…

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