In Person Learning

The Governor has announced that all students, K-12 must begin receiving at least some in person learning. The deadline for schools implementing a hybrid model depends on the age of the student. The model must include both on campus and remote learning options. All elementary schools (kindergarten thru 5th or 6th grade, depending on the…

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Vaccines for Phase 1B, Tier 2

Starting Wednesday, March 17, eligibility extends for vaccines for Phase 1B, Tier 2. The eligibility pool included teachers earlier this month. This update includes workers in agriculture, food processing, grocery stores, public transit, firefighters and law enforcement, and others. People 16 and older who are pregnant or have a disability that puts them at high-risk…

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Phase 3 of Recovery Plan

Today, Governor Inslee announced Phase 3 of the Recovery Plan for Washington. The Roadmap to Recovery will return to a county by county, rather than staying with a regional approach. The community and businesses are excited to finally have a plan on moving into Phase 3. However, the governor didn’t yet commit to what all…

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Educators Eligible for Vaccine

With President Biden’s announcement on Tuesday, educators are now eligible for the Covid vaccine. He announced a directive for availability for the vaccine for every pre-K educator, K-12 teacher, and childcare worker in March. Since schools are reopening across our community, this is welcome news to teachers. The state’s Department of Health states that educators…

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House Bill 1368 – Signed!

Last week we let you know about House Bill 1368 and now it is signed! Today’s press release from the governor outlines an overall picture of the funds in the bill. The bill provides:  $714 million in assistance for K-12 schools $618 million for public health’s response to COVID, including testing, investigation and contact tracing;…

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