Short-term Extension of Property Tax

A short-term extension of property tax may be a bit of relief for certain businesses. Businesses that can show a loss of a quarter of their revenues due to Covid can apply for the extension. Additionally, qualifying businesses will not need to pay penalties or interest. To request an extension and a payment plane, be…

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Roll Back Relief Grants Pierce County

Roll back relief grants are now available to qualifying businesses and non profits. On Friday, April 16, restrictions rolled back to Phase 2 of the Healthy Washington Reopening. That means reducing capacity for indoor activities back down to 25%. These restrictions significantly impact businesses such as restaurants and gyms. Pierce County has created a grant…

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Risk of Rolling Back to Phase 2

There’s a risk of rolling back to phase 2 this coming Monday. Both the DOH and the governors office expressed concerns about a roll back for 3 counties, including Pierce. The Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery plan evaluates risks for each individual county. Measurements will be evaluated on Monday, April 12, and any change in…

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ScaleUp: The Rebuild Edition

Small businesses looking to grow despite Covid should consider ScaleUp: The Rebuild Edition. This program is a partnership between WA Department of Commerce and Thurston Economic Development Council. It offers 2-hour online classes once a week. Sessions last for 8 weeks. Up to 100 small businesses can participate. The training provided is valued at $1,599.…

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Tax Credit Up to $33,000

How does a Tax Credit of up to $33,000 per employee sound? The expansion of the employee tax credit could mean that for your business. But like so many of the programs that are out there to help business through the pandemic, a lot of questions surround it. NFIB is offering a free webinar on…

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