Moving Out of Phase Two??
Earlier this month, on July 2, the governor put a pause on advancement into other phases of reopening. It applies to all counties in the state. That pause is set to expire on July 28. But businesses across our community are wondering if the pause button will continue to prevent further opening.
On July 22, the Tacoma News Tribune reported on a state briefing with the State Secretary of Health John Wiesman. While he did not give a solid answer that businesses are hoping for, Wiesman commented that we need to see “rates coming way down…”
“Decisions haven’t been made yet, but I think if you carefully look at the data you can probably draw those conclusions that holding at the moment and again considering how we continue to reduce risky interactions needs to be our focus right now.”
Unfortunately, at this point, it doesn’t seem that the pause will be lifted on July 28 as we’d hoped. Businesses and the community as a whole continue to wonder what phase Pierce County will be under when that date arrives. Will we move back to Phase 1? When the pause will be lifted? And when will be able to advance?