Written Safety Plan
Posted 6/9. Updated June 19
Some members who fall into the category of essential workers have expressed frustration with requirements for keeping their doors open. One member told me today, “It’s a full time job keeping up with everything. That’s all I have been doing for the last few months.”
Previously, a written safety plan has been a requirement for some businesses. This will be required for ALL businesses when we get to Phase 3. That time is yet to be determined, and is at least a few weeks away, but we want to help you be proactive.

Before, the wording was unclear for those businesses (such as construction) when they opened. But now the state provides a template. They welcome businesses to use this template while they prepare for Phase 3. Though you are not required to use the template, it is, at minimum, a starting point in getting your Safety Plan rolled out and ready for Phase 3.

Page 3 of the template says you must post a sign that encourages customers to wear facial coverings and to prominently display it. If you haven’t already printed signs for Mask Requirements for Businesses, here’s the link for this sign. Many businesses need an employee health screening template as well.
Pierce County recognizes that this safety plan will mean incurred expenses and they have put together a one-time Adaptation Grant to help offset the costs.