Why is Deborah Olive, Business Coach, a FME Chamber Member?

Deborah Olive, is one of our members who is actively involved in our chamber and in this video, she tells us some of the reasons why her membership works for her.


“…it’s the networking and this is a very welcoming group. There’s this real sense of connection…”

“A part of my interest is having good connections in the South Sound…”

“The C3 Group… includes is opportunities for education… I’ve learned a lot, I’ve got great connections…”

“I look forward to what happens after a longer, more deep relationship.”

Deborah, your participation and willingness to share your expertise with our member community are a few of the reasons that I love my job!

Special thanks to Carlos at Creative24 for his offer to share his talent and shoot these testimonials on the spot at a recent luncheon!