ScaleUp: The Rebuild Edition
Small businesses looking to grow despite Covid should consider ScaleUp: The Rebuild Edition.

This program is a partnership between WA Department of Commerce and Thurston Economic Development Council. It offers 2-hour online classes once a week. Sessions last for 8 weeks. Up to 100 small businesses can participate.
The training provided is valued at $1,599. But a grant from the US Economic Development Administration means that the program is free to businesses.
According to the Department of Commerce, the ideal candidate for the program is the president/owner of a WA business that has been in operation for at least two years. Additionally, the business should have had annual pre-COVID gross revenues in excess of $100,000.
The ScaleUp program will help businesses restart, rebuild, and pivot as needed. Topics included:
- Creating efficient business systems,
- Improving product/service alignment
- Creating a stronger competitive advantage in the marketplace
- Understanding financial statements and key business drivers
- Increasing sales leads and improving the sales funnel.
Additionally, participants will have opportunities for private mentoring and coaching.
Classes will be offered on Wednesday or Thursday mornings from 8:30-10:30. Alternately, evening courses, from 6-8 pm will be offered on Thursdays. Classes start in June and run for 8 weeks.
For more information, contact James Davis,, or (360) 464-6051