PSE: Net Zero Goal
Our Chamber Board Member, Matt Perry, of PSE has shared some exciting news with us. Puget Sound Energy has set a bold aspirational goal to be a Beyond Net Zero* utility by 2045. Their commitments and aspirational goals to reach Beyond Net Zero Carbon by 2045 are outlined on their website. But here’s a quick overview.

By “Beyond Net Zero” they mean that PSE will reduce their carbon footprint to net zero. They plan to then go “beyond” by helping achieve reductions in other sectors such as transportation.
PSE operations and electric supply carbon emissions:
- Their commitment is to reduce emissions from PSE electric and gas operations and electric supply to net zero by 2030. And altogether, the goal is that by 2045, PSE will have a 100% carbon-free electric supply.
PSE natural gas sales for customer end use carbon emissions:
- Their aspirational goal is to reach net zero carbon emissions for natural gas sales by 2045 for customer use in homes and businesses. They also have a shorter term, interim target of a 30% emissions reduction by 2030.
Beyond PSE-reported carbon emissions:
- Their goal to is partner with customers and industry to identify programs and products that cost-effectively reduce carbon. Examples include transportation through EV implementation and the support of low carbon fuels, upstream methane emission reduction, and RNG projects for municipal solid waste, agricultural waste and forestry sources.
While they don’t have all of the answers today, they believe that this is achievable with the right combination of legislative, regulatory, commercial and technological enablers.
Matt looks forward to sharing more information as they continue down this path with their customers.
Learn about their commitment to clean energy at