Park in Edgewood- Groundbreaking Ceremony
Edgewood has been planning a new park at 36th and Meridian and the groundbreaking ceremony was on Oct. 17th. Of course, Mayor Eidinger was on hand to speak to the crowd. Then after a few words, he stepped up to put his shovel in the dirt! The weather was nice – no sun, but neither rain nor wind either. In general, the event spoke to the excitement that the community has for phase one of this new park!

Details from the Edgewood City Webpage:

Following several months of design effort and coordinaton with environmental consultants, applications for construction permits were submitted to City Staff for review on March 25, 2020. A SEPA Environmental Decision was issued June 16, 2020, the Design Review decision was issued July 7, 2020, and construction bid solicitation was advertised July 24, 2020. A PDF of the latest Design Plan Set can be viewed here (88MB).
While the Chamber will keep on eye on progress, the city’s web page provides information as the process moves forward!