School Backpacks from MVCC
An annual school backpack giveaway is one way Mountain View Community Center consistently strives to support our FME community. Each year, they help ensure that kids head back to school with needed supplies each fall. During this pandemic, their commitment to schools, students, families and the community is unwavering. No matter what school will look like this fall, they are ensuring that all students have school backpacks for the new school year.

This school year will look very different than any other back-to-school season. But the needs will still be there and MVCC has made plans to alter what their event will entail. They’ve considered how needed supplies might be different and rather than a giant giveaway event, they have set up multiple pick-up locations to minimize risk of Covid exposure.
Your help is still needed to help them reach their goal of distributing 1,000 school backpacks. Check out their Amazon Wishlist or simply purchase backpacks on their site.
Here’s an update from the event, copied from the Mountain View Community Center’s webpage:

Despite a pandemic our community came together in a BIG way!
58 volunteers packed and distributed
689 backpacks at 4 Drive-up locations
311 backpacks given to partnering organizations
1,000 students ready to take on the school year!
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and donors, the helpful hands of our volunteers, and the work of our dedicated staff we ensured that students feel a sense of normalcy as they head into a very uncertain school year. We are thankful for everyone who made this possible!!