Legislative Breakfast
The annual Legislative Breakfast is an event where the chamber gathers information to share with our members. And it is a venue to help us champion for policies that are in the best interests of business. Like so many other events this year, it will be a virtual event and we’d like to invite you to join us!
Thursday, December 10 – 8-10 am
The FME Chamber is part of the South Sound Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition. (That’s a mouthful, to be sure!) The mission of this organization is simple, and one that we undoubtedly support. The Coalition enables their members to speak with a unified voice. With this purpose in mind, it develops annual, unified legislative positions and associated legislative events and activities.

This year, the Coalition presents Congressman and Lieutenant Governor Elect, Denny Heck as the keynote speaker.
Discussion Topics Include:
- 2021 Legislative Priorities
- Small Business Recovery
- Impacts from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Economic Development
In light of all that businesses are facing in today’s world, this is an opportunity to be a part of the discussion. Join us for the annual breakfast.