How to Complete a PPP Forgiveness Application
If you missed the free webinar from Washington Retail Association on completing a PPP Forgiveness Application, on September 17, here’s another chance to get some assistance. The NFIB (National Federation of Independent Businesses) is also hosting a free webinar covering the same topic.

The webinar will be this Wednesday, September 30 at 9 am (PST.) But even if you can’t make that time, you are encouraged to register and you’ll be sent information on how to access the recording. Then you will have the info on PPP Forgiveness Application available to refer back to as needed.
The hosts of the program will be PPP experts Beth Milito and Holly Wade, both of NFIB. During the program, they will devote time to live Q and A but will also be answering pre-submitted questions. You can Submit your questions in advance here.
The NFIB has a variety of other webinars available on their website that may help you prepare for the process of applying for forgiveness. In addition, you can find recorded webinars on topics such as unemployment insurance, liability protection, and other business concerns. Visit their webpage Small Business Resources in Response to Coronavirus to find more information to help your business through this pandemic.