Chamber to Promote your Reopening

We are excited for you to re-open and want to do all we can to support you. We are excited to announce a Back in Business campaign that includes promotion for your business and a ribbon cutting. Click for more details.
CONTACT US Call or email The Chamber and say “We’re Back!” (253) 878-4579 or
WE’LL STOP BY A Chamber staff member or volunteer will drop off a yard sign to display outside of your business and two pieces of ribbon. We’ll take a photo of you with your sign and post to social media.
TYING IT ALL TOGETHER When ready, you will record yourself OR take a picture of yourself/your staff tying the two pieces of ribbon together and post to social media tagging @fmechamber. We’ll share!
LET’S CUT A RIBBON The Chamber will then contact you to schedule a Ribbon Cutting. A video will be taken of the ceremony and will be posted to social media.
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Your business gets exposure not once, not twice, but THREE times! So, what are you waiting for? Let’s tie the community back together! Contact the Chamber at (253) 878-4579, or