C3 – Learn about the Trucking Industry

Last week, I’d had a long day. I was tired, wanted to get home, but still needed to stop to grab milk on my way home. I was behind a semi on I-5 and while I was cursing that I was driving slower than I wanted, I noticed the bumper sticker. “If you don’t like trucks, stop going to the grocery store.” Hmmm.

For our March C3 meeting, Brandon Beetham from the Washington Trucking Association will be joining us.
Did you know that 1 in 20 jobs in Washington are related to trucking? That’s a lot of employment! Brandon will be sharing with us how the trucking industry affects our community, in ways we often take for granted. Bring your questions because Brandon can speak to the following topics that I know are of concern to our members!
- Significance of industry
- Projected growth of freight, and freight by truck
- Driver shortage
- Congestion – time spent idling in traffic –Washington has ranked among the top worst bottlenecks for many years running – translates to economic costs and driver wellness and job satisfaction
- Truck Parking – how ELD’s have contributed to the need – Washington is the top most trade dependent state in the nation, yet we are 44th in the nation for availability of truck parking
- Carbon Policy/LCFS and why we disagree with it (cost, fairness, lack of alternatives) and the results in CA show only a 1% reduction in carbon in 10 years – costly, not effective.
- Power Revolution – the low or carbon free future of trucking looks bright for many segments of the industry, it will take time as these vehicles are not yet in mass production nor do we have the infrastructure to support.
- And More!
Please join us!