Business Support thru Pierce Transit

Do you know about the support that Pierce Transit can give your business? They provides clean, safe and reliable local bus service, and also can help businesses support their employees with commute solutions. If you currently have team members working on site, making sure they can get to work on time is critical. Right now, personal budgets are certainly tight for many workers, and offering transportation assistance can benefit those employees. Their ORCA for Business program offers discounted rates on bus passes and vanpools, not to mention vanshare programs. The bus system serves many major employment hubs around Pierce County and provides regional transit connections. If your office or your employees are not located near a bus route, or if you have swing or night shifts, vanpool may be a time and money saving solution.

If you have a small business or nonprofit with fewer than 100 employees, you may qualify for ORCA for Business programs. And right now the cost is lower cost through June 2021.

Choose to subsidize your employees’ transit passes through ORCA Business Passport or Business Choice for the first time and you may be eligible for a 50% rebate on your contribution amount up to $10,000. This limited time offer is a great opportunity for you to provide a competitive benefit to your employees!

See how ORCA for Business can work for your company by visiting Pierce Transit’s website, or contacting or 253.589.6886.