Welcome to Milton

The City of Milton, home of the annual summer celebration Milton Days, has  a small town appeal. Milton is a quiet, peaceful community surrounded by fields, trees, open vistas and gardens.

Though Milton sits in both King and Pierce Counties, the city is less than 3 square miles and has a population of just over 8, 250 (US Census, 2018.)

Milton’s quiet atmosphere offers a welcome relief from the bustling urban atmosphere of neighboring Tacoma, a mere ten minutes away (if traffic cooperates.) Milton has a true picturesque charm and quality developed through strong leadership, dynamic community events, quality schools, and strong relationships between citizens, business and city government.

During the early 1890’s, the first settlement known as Mill Town was made up of a handful of homesteaders and lumber camp workers who provided timber to feed the mill. The name became Milton after the US Postal Service rejected the two-word name Mill Town for the community. In actuality residents were quite pleased with the name change because then it could be said the town was named after the renowned poet.

The city boasts of multiple parks and trails, including a Veteran's Memorial at Triangle Park and a Skatepark to entertain those who are a little more daring than others.

Students who live in Milton are served by the Fife Public School District. 

Membership Directory & Community Resource Guide 


FME Chamber Directory 2024 cover

Membership Directory & Community
Resource Guide 

Available at the Chamber office



Click here to read the eBook


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The FME Chamber is a CATALYST for business growth,

a CONVENER of leaders & influencers,

and the CHAMPION

for a stronger community.


Fife Milton Edgewood Chamber

2018 54th AVE E
Fife, WA 98424

(253) 922-9320

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